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International Journal

Articles published and accepted
  • 26*

    J. Gu, Y. Jung, J.Ahn, J.Ahn, J.Choi, B. Kang, Y. Jeongm J.-H. Ha, T. Kim, Y. Jung, J. Park, S. Ryu, I. Lee, I. Park, "Auxetic Kirigami Structure-Based Self-Powered Strain Sensor with Customizable Performance using Machine Learning", Nano Energy, accepted


    J.-H. Ha, J. Ko, J. Ahn, Y. Jeong, J. Ahn, S. Hwang, S. Jeon, D. Kim, S.A. Park, J. Gu, J. Choi, H. Han, C. Han, B. Kang, B.H. Kang, S. Cho, Y.J. Kwon, C. Kim, S. Choi, G.-D. Sim, J.-H. Jeong, I. Park “ Nanotransfer Printing of Functional Nanomaterials on Electrospun Fibers for Wearable Healthcare Applications”, Advanced Functional Materials. 2401404, April. 2024

  • 24

    Y. Jung†, J. Gu†, J. Yeo, W. Lee, H. Han, J. Choi, J.-H. Ha, J. Ahn, H. Cho, S. Ryu, I. Park*, “ Highly Sensitive Soft Pressure Sensors for Wearable Applications based on Composite Films with Curved 3D Carbon Nanotube Structures” Small, 2303981. Aug. 2023


    C. Han†. J. Choi†, J. Ahn, H. Kim, J-H. Ha, H. Han, S. Cho, Y. Jeong, J. Gu, I. Park*, “Spike-based Self-calibration for Enhanced Reliability in Self-powered Pressure Sensing”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2301199, Aug.2023


    J.-H. Ha, Y. Jeong, J. Ahn, S. Hwang, S. Jeon, D. Kim, J. Ko, B. Kang, Y. Jung, J. Choi, H. Han, J. Gu, S. Cho, H. Kim, M. Bok, S.A. Park, J.-H. Jeong*, and I Park*, “Wearable Colorimetric Sweat pH Sensor-based Smart Textile for Health State Diagnosis”, Materials Horizons, July.2023.


    B. Zheng, Z. Jin, G. Hu, J. Gu, S. Yu, J. Lee, G. Gu* “Machine learning and experiments : A synergy for the development of functional materials” MRS Bulletin, 48 Feb. 2023


    J. Ahn†, J. Gu†, Y. Jeong†, J.-H. Ha, J. Ko, B. Kang, S. H. Hwang, J. Park, S. Jeon, H. Kim, J.-H. Jeong*, I. Park*, “Nanotransfer-on-things: From rigid to stretchable nanophotonic devices”, ACS Nano 2023, 17, 6, 5935–5942


    J. Ahn, J.-H. Ha, Y. Jeong, Y. Jung, J. Choi, J. Gu, S. H. Hwang, M. Kang, J. Ko, S. Cho, H. Han, K. Kang, J. Park, S. Jeon, J.-H. Jeong*, and I. Park*, “Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Fabrication Based on Mechanically Guided Assembly”, Nature Communications, 14, 833, Feb. 2023


    L. Wu, J. Ahn, J. Choi, J. Gu, X. Li, O. Gul, Z.-J. Zhao, L. Qian, B. Yu,* I. Park*, “Customizable self-powered pressure sensor based on piezo-transmittance of tilted structures”, Nano Energy, 109, 108299, May. 2023


    J.-H. Ha, J.Y. Kim, D. Kim, J. Ahn, Y. Jeong, J. Ko, S. Hwang, S. Jeon, Y. Jung, J. Gu, H. Han, J. Choi, G. Lee, M. Bok, S.A. Park, Y.S. Cho, J.-H. Jeong*, I. Park*, “Multifunctional Micro/Nanofiber Based-Dressing Patch with Healing, Protection, and Monitoring Capabilities for Advanced Wound Care”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2201765, Feb. 2023


    S. Cho, H. Han, H. Park, S.-U. Lee, J.-H. Kim, S.W. Jeon, M. Wang, R. Avila, Z. Xie, K. Ko, M. Park, J. Lee, M. Choi, J.-S. Lee, W.G. Min, B.-J. Lee, S. Lee, J. Choi, J. Gu, J. Park, M.S. Kim, J. Ahn, O. Gul, C. Han, K. Lee, S. Kim, K. Kim, J. Kim, C.-M. Kang, J. Koo, S.S. Kwak, S. Kim, D.Y. Choi, S. Jeon, H.J. Sung, Y.B. Park, Y.T. Choi, M. Je, Y.S. Oh*, I. Park*, “Battery-free, Wireless, Multimodal Sensors for Continuous Measurement of Pressure, Temperature, and Hydration of Paraplegic patients”, npj Flexible Electronics, 7, 8, Feb. 2023

  • 15

    J. Ahn†, J.-S. Kim†, Y. Jeong, S. Hwang, H. Yoo, Y. Jeong, J. Gu, M. Mahato, J. Ko, S. Jeong, J.-H. Ha, H.-S. Seo, J. Choi, M. Kang, C. Han, Y. Cho, C. H. Lee, J.-H. Jeong*, I.-K. Oh*, I. Park* “All-Recyclable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Sustainable Ocean Monitoring Systems”, Advanced Energy Materials, 2201341, June. 2022.


    J. Ahn†, J. Gu†, J. Choi†, C. Han, Y. Jeong, J. Park, S. Cho, Y. S. Oh, J.-H. Jeong, M. Amjadi*, I. Park*, “A Review of Recent Advances in Electrically-Driven Polymer-based Flexible Actuators: Smart Materials, Structures, and Their Applications”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 220041, June. 2022.

  • 13

    J. Gu†, J. Ahn†, J. Jung, S. Cho, J. Choi, Y. Jeong, J. Park, S. Hwang, I. Cho, J. Ko, J. Ha, Z. Zhao, S. Jeon, S. Ryu, J. Jeong*, I. Park*, “Self-Powered Strain Sensor based on the Piezo-Transmittance of a Mechanical Metamaterial”, Nano Energy, 89, 106447, Nov. 2021


    O. Gul†, K. Kim†, J. Gu, J. Choi, D. D. Orbe, J. Ahn, I. Park*, “Sensitivity Controllable Liquid Metal-based Pressure Sensor for Wearable Applications”, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3(9), 4027-4036, Aug. 2021


    J. Ko, H.J. Kang, J. Ahn, Z.-J. Zhao, Y. Jeong, S.H. Hwang, M. Bok, S.Jeon, J. Gu, J.-H.Ha, J. Rho, J.-H. Jeong*, I. Park*, “Biocompatible Nanotransfer Printing Based on Water Bridge Formation in Hyaluronic Acid and Its Application to Smart Contact Lens”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(29), 35069–35078, July. 2021


    J.Ahn†, Z.Zhao, J.Choi, Y.Jeong, S.Hwang, J.Ko, J. Gu, S.Jeon, J.Park, M.Kang, D.D.Orbe, I.Cho, H.Kang, M.Bok, J.Jeong*, I.Park* “Morphology-Controllable Wrinkled Hierarchical Structure and its Application to Superhydrophobic Triboelectric Nanogenerator”, Nano Energy, 85, 105978, Mar. 2021


    Y. Jeong†, J. Gu†, J. Byun, J. Ahn, J. Byun, K. Kim, J. Park, J. Ko, J. Jeong, M. Amjadi, I. Park* “Ultra-Wide Range Pressure Sensor based on Microstructured Conductive Nanocomposite for Wearable Workout Monitoring”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2001461, Mar. 2021, Front Cover Article

  • 08

    M.S. Kim, K. Kim, D. Kwon, S. Kim, J. Gu, Y.S. Oh, I. Park, ” Microdome-induced strain localization for biaxial strain decoupling towards stretchable and wearable human motion detection”, Langmuir, Langmuir, 36, 30, July. 202


    J. Choi†, D. Kwon†, B. Kim, K. Kang, J. Gu, J. Jo, K. Na, J. Ahn, D.D. Orbe, K. Kim, J. Park, J. Shim, J.Y. Lee, I. Park*, “Wearable Self-Powered Pressure Sensor by Integration of Piezo-transmittance Microporous Elastomer with Organic Solar Cell”, Nano Energy, 74, Aug. 2020


    J. Park†, J. R. Sempionatto†, J. Kim, Y. Jeong, J. Gu, J. Wang*, I. Park*, “Microscale biosensor array based on flexible polymeric platform toward lab-on-a-needle: Real-time multi-parameter biomedical assays on curved needle surfaces”, ACS Sensors, 5(5), 1363–1373, Feb. 2020, Front Cover Article


    J. Gu, D. Kwon, J. Ahn, and I. Park* “Wearable Strain sensor using light transmittance change of carbon nanotube embedded elastomer with microcrack”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (9), 10908-10917, Mar. 2020, Front Cover Article


    J. Choi, D. Kown, K. Kim, J. Park, D.D. Orbe, J. Gu, J. Ahn, I. Cho, Y. Jeong, Y. Oh*, and I. Park*, “Synergetic Effect of Porous Elastomer and Percolation of Carbon Nanotube Filler towards High Performance Capacitive Pressure Sensors”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(1), 1698-1706, Jan. 2020


    J. Park, Y. Jeong, J. Kim, J. Gu, J. Wang, and I. Park*, “Biopsy needle integrated with multi-modal physical/chemical sensor array”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 148, 111822, Jan. 2020

  • 02

    J. Ahn, J. Gu, B. Hwang, H. Kang, S. Hwang, S. Jeon, J.H. Jeong*, and I. Park*, “Printed fabric heater based on Ag nanowire/carbon nanotube composites”, Nanotechnology, 30, 45, Aug. 2019 


    S.J. Jang, J.M. Ahn, B. Kim, J.M. Gu, H.J. Sung, S.J. Park*, and W.Y. Oh*, "Comparison of accuracy of one-use methods for calculating fractional flow reserve by intravascular optical coherence tomography to that determined by the pressure-wire method," Am. J. Cardiol. 120, 1920, Dec. 2017

International Conference


Jimin Gu, Inkyu Park “Development self-powered piezo-transmittance strain sensor for various applications”, IEEE NANO 2023, July 2023, Jeju island, Korea 


Jimin Gu, Yongsu Jung, Junseong Ahn, Yongrok Jeong, Jiyoung Jung, Seunghwa Ryu, Ikjin Lee, and Inkyu Park “Versatile soft strain sensor design optimization based on auxetic structure”, IEEE NEMS 2023, May 2023, Jeju island, Korea   


Jimin Gu, Bowen Zheng, Grace X. Gu, and Inkyu Park “Bayesian optimization and reinforcement learning-based design of high-performance kirigami piezo-transmittance strain sensors”, MRS Spring 2023, April, 2023, San Francisco, United State 


Jimin Gu “Structural optimization for soft strain sensors based on the piezo-transmittance of kirigami structure”, The eighth Berkeley/Stanford Computational Mechanics Festival (CompFest), Dec, 2022, Stanford, United State


Jimin Gu, Junseong Ahn, Seokjoo Cho, Jun-Ho Jeong, Inkyu Park, “Self-powered piezo-transmittance type strain sensor based on an auxetic structure”, MRS Spring 2022, May, 2022, Hawaii, United States


Jimin Gu, Donguk Kwon, Junseong Ahn, and Inkyu Park “Strain sensor based on optical intensity change through the carbon nanotube embedded elastomer”, Transducers 2019, June. 2019, Berlin, Germany


Junseong Ahn, Jimin Gu, Youngrok Jeong, Kyuyoung Kim, Junho Jeong, Inkyu Park “Stretchable fabric heater based on silver nanowire, carbon nanotube composites”, IEEE MEMS 2019, Jan. 2019, Seoul, Korea


Kyuyoung Kim, Jungrak Choi, Yongrok Jeong, Minseong Kim, Jaeho Park, Jimin Gu, Seunghwan Kim, Yongsuk Oh, and Inkyu Park “Wearable soft microfluidic pressure sensor using 3D-printed microbump for health monitoring”, IEEE MEMS 2019, Jan. 2019, Seoul, Korea


Jimin Gu, Donguk Kwon, and Inkyu Park, "Optical type strain sensor based on variable-transmittance of carbon nanotube embedded elastomer thin film", IEEE MEMS 2018, Jan. 2018,Belfast, Northern Ireland


Yongrok Jeong, Jaeho Park, Kyuyoung Kim, Jimin Gu, and Inkyu Park, "Development of Temperature-Compensated Pressure Sensor for RF Ablation Cancer Therapy", IEEE EMBC 2017, July. 2017, Jeju, Korea

Domestic Conference (South Korea)


Jimin Gu, Injun Lee, Seok-Young Ji, Junseong Ahn, Won Seok Chang, Byeong-Soo Bae, Inkyu Park*, “Skin-conformable piezo-transmittance type strain sensor for the wearable platform”, KMEMS 2022, April. 2022, Jeju, Korea


Jimin Gu, Injun Lee, Seok-Young Ji, Junseong Ahn, Won Seok Chang, Byeong-Soo Bae, Inkyu Park*, “Skin attachable piezo-transmittance strain sensor package” The Korean Sensors Society, April. 2022, Seoul, Korea


Jimin Gu, Junseong Ahn, Jiyoung Jung, Seunghwa Ryu, Jun-Ho Jeong, Inkyu Park, “Self-Powered Structural Health Monitoring and Wearable System using Piezo-Transmittance of Auxetic Patterned Gold-Deposited Elastomer”, ICAE, Nov. 2021, Jeju, Korea


Jimin Gu, Junseong Ahn, Jiyoung Jung, Seunghwa Ryu, Jun-Ho Jeong, Inkyu Park, “Self-powered structure monitoring and wearable system using piezo-transmittance change of mechanical meta-pattern type elastomeric composite”, KSMTE, July. 2021, Gangneung, Korea


Jimin Gu, Junseong Ahn, Jiyoung Jung, Seunghwa Ryu, Jun-Ho Jeong, Inkyu Park, “Self-Powered Optical Trasnmittance Strain Sensor Using the Auxetic Pattern for Structural Monitoring and Wearable Application”, KIEEME, July. 2021, Pyeongchang, Korea, (Best poster award) 


Jimin Gu, Jaeho Park, Inkyu Park, “Reflection type strain sensor based on glass-bead retro-reflectivity and crack formation”, The Korean Sensors Society, Nov. 2020, Gangneung, Korea 


Jungrak Choi, Donguk Kwon, Kwangmin Na, Byeongsu Kim, Kyungnam Kang, Jimin Gu, Jihwan Jo, Jung-Yong Lee, and Inkyu Park, “Wearable Self-Powered Pressure Sensor by Integration of Piezo-transmittance Microporous Elastomer with Organic Solar Cell”, IEEE NEMS 2020, Sep. 2020, Online E-conference


Jimin Gu, Inkyu Park, “Soft Strain Sensor based on Reflectance Change by Crack Propagation”, KMEMS 2020, Aug. 2020, Pyeongchang, Korea


Jaeho Park, Juliane R. Sempionatto, Yongrok Jeong, Jimin Gu, Joseph Wang and Inkyu Park, “Development of multi-modal micro sensor array for analysis of physical/chemical property of biology tissue”, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, May. 2019 Busan, Korea


Junseong Ahn, Jimin Gu, Kyuyoung Kim, Junho Jeong, Inkyu Park “stretchable fabric heater based on carbon nanotube/Ag nanowire composites”, KMEMS 2019, Apr. 2019, Jeju, Korea 


Jimin Gu, Donguk Kwon, Junseong Ahn, Inkyu Park, “Soft strain sensor package based on light transmittance optical type for wearable device”, KMEMS 2019, Apr. 2019, Jeju, Korea 


Junseong Ahn, Jimin Gu, Kyuyoung Kim, Youngrok Jeong, Junho Jeong, Inkyu Park, “Stretchable fabric heater based on silver nanowires and carbon nanotubes”, The Korean Sensors Society, Nov. 2018, Seoul


Jimin Gu, Donguk Kwon, Junseong Ahn and Inkyu Park, “Flexible strain sensor using optical transmittance change for wearable applications”, Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, May. 2018, Daejeon


Jimin Gu, Donguk Kwon and Inkyu Park, “Optical Strain Sensor Based on Transmittance Change of Carbon Nanotube Embedded Elastomer”, KMEMS 2018, Apr. 2018, Jeju


Jimin Gu, Donguk Kwon and Inkyu Park, “Optical Transmittance Variation Based Strain Sensor Using Carbon Nanotube Embedded Elastomer”, The Korean Sensors Society, Nov. 2017, Daejeon


Yongrok Jeong, Jaeho Park, Kyuyoung Kim, Jimin Gu and Inkyu Park, "Development of Temperature-Compensated Contact Resistance Based Pressure Sensor", The Korean Sensors Society, Nov. 2017, Daejeon (Best Paper Award)


Yongrok Jeong, Jimin Gu, Jaeho Park and Inkyu Park, "Development of Tissue Analysis Biopsy Needle Based on Glucose and pH Level Measurement", KBCS 2016, May. 2016, Seoul



I.Park, J.Gu, J.Ahn, J.Jeong, “ Optical type strain sensor based on a mechanical metamaterial” (Application Number: 10-2021-0094119), 2021


I. Park, Y. Jeong, J.Ahn, J. Gu, “Sqeegee structure and screen printer including same”, Korea Patent (Application Number: 10-2019-0081581/Registration Number : 10-2293270-0000), 2019


I. Park, D. Kwon, J. Gu, “ Composite for optical tension sensor, method for manufacturing the same, and optical tension sensor comprising the same”, Korea Patent (Application Number: 10-1976024-0000/Registration Number: 10-1976024-0000), 2017


I. Park, J. Park, Y. Jeong, K. Kim, J. Gu, J. Lee, M. Jeon, H. Im “ RF ablation needle sensing tissue pressure”, Korea Patent (Application Number: 10-1969779-0000/ Registration Number: 10-1969779-0000), 2017


Jimin Gu

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